Lucan Festival Xmas Chess 2024 (Group 15 years old and Over)

Lucan Festival Xmas Chess 2024 (Group 15 years old and Over)
Risultato dopo Turno 1

Cognome, Nome Punteggio Pts
1. Pat 1000 1.0
2. Alena Kliuchnik 1000 1.0
2. Breeda 1000 1.0
2. J.P Butler 1000 1.0
2. John Collins 1000 1.0
6. Aidan Boland 1000 1.0
7. Ankit Thakkar 1000 0.0
7. Diarmuid Collins 1000 0.0
7. Eduard Katranzhy 1000 0.0
7. Florrie 1000 0.0
7. Johanna Tuffy 1000 0.0