Quiz for Chess Arbiters #3

Question 1

Which of the following situations ends the game immediately?

Question 2

Rapid chess: The Arbiter observed that the pawn stands on the rank furthest from its starting position. The Arbiter shall:

Question 3

If the player having the move touches his/her king and a rook, he/she:

Question 4

The player can revoke a resignation declaration:

Question 5

If the player makes a castling using both hands, he/she should be penalised:

Question 6

Rapid chess: the player with white pieces on the first move moved the pawn to e4 with left hand and pressed the clock with right hand. The Arbiter added 1 minute to Black and ordered the game to continue. On the third move, White moved the knight to f3 with right hand and pressed the clock with left hand. The Arbiter:

Question 7

Rapid chess: The player with the white pieces overstepped the allotted time but the opponent did not notice this. The game continued and White checkmated the opponent's king. Black demands a win. The player with the white pieces admits that the flag fell before checkmate. The Arbiter:

Question 8

In this position, the player with the white pieces rang the phone. The Arbiter:

Question 9

In this position, the player with white pieces falls the flag. The Arbiter:

Question 10

Rapid chess: In this position, the player with the black pieces completed a move 1. ... ♛e4. The player with white pieces claims a second illegal move. The Arbiter:
