The unsung heroes of chess: How much do arbiters earn?

Discover how much do chess arbiters earn, the factors influencing their pay, how arbiters can create additional revenue streams and much more.

The unsung heroes of chess: How much do arbiters earn?
Written by
Ranveer Mohite
Published on
14. 8. 2023
Read time
4 min

Chess arbiters are the backbone of any conducting successful chess tournament. They're the unsung heroes.

They ensure that games run smoothly and that rules are strictly adhered to.

However, a common question that arises is: how much do they earn for their efforts?

Given the effort and expertise required, one might assume that the financial compensation matches the commitment. What do you think?

Let's dive into this topic.

A day in the life of a chess arbiter

The arbiter is often the earliest bird at the venue, ensuring that all is set for the chess battles ahead.

From setting up the board to conducting technical meetings to updating digital platforms, an arbiter plays a crucial role in the smooth conduct of any tournament.

2 factors influencing the pay

Arbiter remuneration is essentially a combination of two elements:

1. Tournament Prestige

Naturally, a high-profile event like the Olympiad offers more than local events.

2. Role in the Tournament

Being the chief arbiter comes with more responsibility and, as a result, higher pay.

The usual paycheck

Now we're coming to the main point. First, have a look at the pay of arbiters for official events in Europe.

Financial Guidelines for arbiters 2023 in Europe

Financial Guidelines for arbiters 2023 in Europe | Source: European Chess Union

Who pays them? The organizer conducting the event does.

Also, the travel costs for a chief arbiter are usually reimbursed. On the other hand, match arbiters often have to pay for transportation charges from their own pocket.

To give you a general idea, consider a few more important details:

  • Chief Arbiter at the Olympiad would make around $5000 for the event.
  • 1-day event: Chief arbiters earn about $100-300, whereas match arbiters take home $70-200.
  • National Chess Championships: Chief arbiters might earn around $1000 for the entire event, and deputy chief about $600.

However, these figures can fluctuate depending on the region and specific agreements with organizers.

Potential costs

Chess arbiters, while receiving stipends or fees for their services, often encounter various costs associated with their profession. Here's a list of potential expenses they might bear:

1. Training and Certification

This includes fees for courses, workshops, and exams required to obtain or renew their officiating licenses. They also have to attend seminars to keep up with changing rules and regulations.

2. Software and Tools

Licenses for chess pairing software or any other specialized software they might require. Digital tools or apps to facilitate online match officiation.

3. Travel Expenses

This includes transportation costs to and from tournament venues, accommodations, especially if the tournament spans multiple days, daily expenses like meals and local commuting during the event.

Organizers will usually only pay the chief arbiter for their travel expenses. Match arbiters may have to pay some of the above from their own pocket.

4. Association Memberships

This includes annual or monthly membership fees for regional, national, or international chess officiating bodies.

How can arbiters increase their stipend?

An arbiter's income is directly tied to how many events they can officiate in. More events mean more pay. So it all comes down to 1 simple fact - getting more invitations to officiate in tournaments.

How to do that? Here are a few ways:

1. Build a network with the organizers

If you get along well with an organizer, chances are they will end up inviting you whenever they organize a tournament.

So building a solid network with organizers is important.

2. Ensure Tournaments Run Smoothly

Players take notice when a tournament starts at a given time and ends on time too. And such arbiters end up getting invited more often to officiate events.

3. Obtain higher titles

Remember a chief arbiter has more responsibility on their shoulders and therefore more pay than a match arbiter.

So getting a higher title can help an arbiter get paid more.

4. Professional dress code

Presenting oneself professionally not only enhances credibility but also instills confidence in both players and organizers.

A sharp appearance can make a significant difference in perception and as a result in the opportunities.

Opportunities for Additional Earnings

Their expertise and adaptability can unlock several lucrative revenue streams. Here are some other avenues:

1. Digital Broadcasting Assistance

Chess tournaments have increasingly moved to online platforms, requiring seamless broadcasting. This shift demands technical proficiency.

Arbiters with the skills to manage and troubleshoot this digital transition can offer invaluable support to organizers, positioning themselves for additional compensation.

2. Chess Coaching

Strong knowledge of the game makes them prime candidates for coaching roles. This can be a lucrative option, often providing a more substantial income than only officiating.

3. Online and digital experience

Arbiters equipped with knowledge of internet platforms, media networking, and digital promotions can assist tournament organizers in broadening their reach, creating a win-win situation with potential for extra earnings.

Online Tournaments: A New Avenue?

As with many professions, the online world has opened up new opportunities. As online tournaments surge, there's a potential for arbiters to explore this field.

However, the pay isn't as good as it is in offline events.

One of the reasons is there's less work at online events compared to offline ones. So organizers aren't willing to shell out much.

The bottom line and final thoughts

Being a chess arbiter is not just about overseeing moves; it's about orchestrating an experience, for everyone involved.

Here are some important takeaways from the article:

  • Arbiter remuneration is essentially a combination of two elements - tournament prestige and the role of an arbiter in an event.
  • The more events an arbiter officiates in, the more will be his pay.
  • Getting invited more often to tournaments is one of the main ways to increase pay.
  • A higher arbiter title helps to earn more.

Chess is witnessing a rise in popularity in recent years. And the more this field grows, the more opportunities will open up for the arbiters.

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